1.) I told my students what kind of a reader I was. What I think about when I read. What I see in my mind. How long it takes me to read a book. I gave them good and bad (silly) examples about my reading habits. Then I asked them to share with a partner the same about themselves (whether they liked reading or not).
2.) I, then showed my "WANTED" poster and told them they would be making one as well.
I proceeded with more examples (the ones with my kids). They thought it was hilarious and couldn't wait to get started.
3.) I passed out a little paper for them to fill out their information on. Collected it and typed them up. While they were working on filling out the paper. I called one student at a time to the back to get their picture taken. Here are a few examples from my lovely former students.
So, I decided to share this Bulletin Board idea with you. I orignally did this on a scrapbook software, but re-did it on Powerpoint so you could edit it and add your student pictures. The easiest place for me to upload this file is at my TPT store. Click HERE and it will take you directly to the page you need to download the powerpoint file. You will need a TPT account. If you don't already have one. It's easy. Sign up for free and become a follower of mine for more freebies ;) wink. wink.
Thanks Friends!
I also included the "WANTED Readers" title
So hop on over and grab this "WANTED" powerpoint activity and have fun!